Easter Message from the pastor ...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The grace of our risen Lord be with you!
We have all been in this pandemic for over a year now, and there have been many difficulties and lockdowns. We may be tempted to think that things will never change.
However, this Easter time reminds us of the hope we have in our risen Lord. We are in this world, but do not belong to it. God made us for himself. St. Paul reminds “not to set our mind on things that are on earth, but to seek the things that are above.” (Col 3: 1-2) Yes, we live and toil in this life, but with our gaze firmly fixed in heaven, our destiny.
I would like to take this moment to thank our deacons and their wives, our parish staff, all our volunteers, screeners, ushers, lectors, cantors, organists, slide advancers and everyone who helps to keep us open and to worship safe. May the Lord reward you a hundred-fold.
Let us continue to pray for each other; Fr. RafaĆ and I will continue to pray for all of you.
In Christ,
Fr. Landorff