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Parishioners with past website training experience are required to contact the parish office, Joan Turco needs your help...
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Denise Test
Style 1 (4 per row) Denise Photo Gallery Style 1   Style 2 (3 per row) + 100% Width...
Denise Test Two
Style 1 (4 per row) Denise Photo Gallery with pictures - Style 1 Style 2 (3 per row) + 100...
Placeholder (Rollup)
Placeholder (Rollup)
ADoT - News Test 1
Praesent maximus in nisl vitae sagittis. Vestibulum sagittis viverra vulputate. Vestibulum tincidunt quam leo, ac fermentum enim feugiat...

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1155 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
M4T 1W2

Office/Mailing Address
1155 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
M4T 1W2

t:  416.934.3400

Rev. James Fernandes

Rev. Richard Gallagher
Associate Pastor

Rev. Steve Pearson

Parish Staff
Joan Turco

children at the church doorway
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy temporarily cancelled due to Covid-19.

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